Tuesday 31 January 2012

Letting go

Having trouble relinquishing control of the spoon. He grabs for it and tries so hard to dip it in his food, but doesn't quite manage. He gets frustrated and...food goes flying. But we're both laughing!

Monday 30 January 2012

A weeks worth...

Thought I would share some knew knowledge regarding food and nutrition.... Apparently the daily amount of nutrients (protein, carbs etc) is nothing to stress over. It is actually really how much the baby received in a week. If he feels like eating blueberries one day, that's ok. Just make sure the rest of the week balances out. So much less stress! Yeah blueberries!

Thursday 26 January 2012

Teacher mamma

So when people find out that you are a teacher and a new mum the reaction is one of two..."your baby is going to be smart", or they look at my husband and say..."ooh, control freak?". Regarding the first comment, not totally in my control, regarding the second comment...no comment.

The first ever...

There are so many firsts in life, especially with wee ones. This is my first blog, with my first baby. I just felt there was so much to say and share, as I was learning, and I needed to get it out there. So here goes....